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(Aims/featured elements)

Our programme (online version)




  1. 360 VR (experience Coventry like never before, get ready for a visual experience different to any other)


2) “Take a chance”: Envelope cards

  • Small cards of paper (multi-coloured) placed in different envelopes promoting various activities. For example “Take a chance on…Horse Riding” (you can horse ride here:______). In terms of the formulation of the activity itself, we'll be placing small QR codes within each balloon for you to pop and scan, in order to see which activity you've received. Further boasted by our hashtag #myCoventry, where we'll encourage reactions and results regarding the activities themselves to be posted for all to see.


3) VHS 90’s footage: #MyCoventry (interactive story)

- In this section you'll view a short video of 'Michaels' Coventry, where you'' then be asked a few questions on what you see within the video. This will then immediately place you in the competition, to a win a free VR headset. Will you be our lucky winner and how many questions will you get right?


4) Free Draw: This will involve a long piece of A3 paper being spread around the whole venue (Tin Arts), with different neon pens being placed around for all to draw on the paper, adding to audience engagement and stimulating creativity within the general public of Coventry.


5) I-Coventry Travel

For this element, we will be encouraging the general public of Coventry, to partake in a postcard making exercise. Where they'll be able to construct their own postcards within featured handmade envelopes to go aside it. Further writing a small passage on the postcard of where they'll be in 10 years time, whether thats still in Coventry or somewhere else (therefore will include the address/placename on the envelope or on the front of the postcard.




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Wanting to know more about 'Sent2Coventry' or interested in VR? Check out below for more details.


Sent2Coventry is an interactive community-based exhibition, encouraging celebration of Coventry's history, the environment, and the people's knowledge of it through an interactive exhibition titled ‘Coventry, Past Present and Future’. Where we will be taking members of the public back in time to the 90’s through VHS footage, where they’ll be quizzed on all the history and other areas of interest surrounding Coventry itself. Furthermore the present will focus on 360 VR (through headsets), with the future involving an interactive ‘suggestion board’ with members of the public being prompted throughout the exhibition to write down their thoughts on what they’d like to see or feel will be available to them in the future, regarding Coventry (whether that's technological, place-based or even monument based).


The views expressed and materials presented represent the personal views of the author and should not be taken to represent the opinions, policy, or views of the Department of Media, or of Coventry University, nor any of its employees or other students. All content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only. The author of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site, or found by following any link on this site. Neither the Author nor host will be liable for any errors or omissions in this information, nor for the availability of this information. The Author and host will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information.

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